Time for a new start?

By at home

The vast majority of job seekers would consider a career change in order to secure employment, according to a global poll

The survey, by online career resource Monster.com, found 89% of job seekers surveyed across America, Europe and Canada would think about a career switch in their search for new employment because of the current tight job market.

Of those polled, 49% are actively seeking a change of career direction, while 18% are pondering a move because their current industry is suffering. A further 22% would be willing to take the first job they were offered, regardless of whether it’s within their current industry or not.

‘Changing careers, especially during difficult economic times, can be an empowering decision. Those struggling to find employment in their current industry could use this time to consider pursuing their passions or think about retraining,’ says Norma Gaffin, director of content for Monster.com

And, according to the Careers Advice service, changing careers is seen as a chance to open doors to new opportunities. This is especially the case if people have fallen into an unsuitable job by accident or necessity early on. Jennifer Kneafset, a career coach from the government group, says: ‘A career change is a positive thing as it can encourage people to push themselves and learn new skills.’

Create a good first impression
Job hunters are attempting to secure employment in this current competitive job market by changing and improving their appearance, research has found. Twenty-eight per cent of workers who have been made redundant over the past year have done something to make themselves appear more attractive to potential employers, according to a survey by human capital solutions provider, CareerBuilder. Of those surveyed, 14% say they have lost weight, 8% have changed their hair colour or hairstyle and 5% are dressing to appear younger in the hope of making a better impression. 

Pictres: shutterstock

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