Working from home: Is it sustainable?

By at home

fashWorking from home can be a more sustainable option for many – we’ve spoken to our experts at Viking to find out more!

Three reasons why working from home is sustainable

  1. Reduce your carbon footprint: Although working from home isn’t feasible for all industries, there are many ICT or white collar-based professions that can make use of the flexibility it provides and diminish the environmental implications (and road rage!) of the work commute.

    According to, transport accounts for about 13.5% of greenhouse emissions and according to the Office of National Statistics, 71% of people in the UK commute by private motor transport. By working from home, and cutting out the daily commute, you can significantly reduce environmental impact. The onus has particularly been on recycling and transport share, however on assessing the effects of our daily routine, home working provides a convenient component to sustainable living.

  2. Save money: Not only does cutting out the work commute decrease personal carbon footprint, it is financially beneficial to employees in times of recession. As well as providing flexibility around family life, working from home reduces fuel consumption and promotes lower operating costs, helping to tighten the purse strings in the run up to Christmas.
  3. Reinforce business strength: Sustainability can be seen as an asset to companies, therefore proving more appealing to investors and partners and consequently reinforcing business strength.

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About out experts
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Image: Thomas Carlgren/Scanpix/Press Association Images

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