James Caan: It’s all about the passion!

By at home

jamescaanwall_1_180_220Dragon’s Den star James Caan has a rags to riches tale that is an inspiration to us all. But what is really interesting about James is that he thinks that passion is the one key to success.

He believes that if there is fire in your belly and you really want ‘it’ then the rest will fall into place. It’s certainly worked for him – he’s now a multi-millionaire with a jetset lifestyle as well as plenty of television notoriety.

 For many of us battling through these recessionary times this will be timely advice. Indeed my own husband has decided to take the plunge and start up his own business. He’s not taking huge risks as he’s keeping his job at first but he is extremely passionate about it as he will be finally using his artistic skills. It’s what he loves doing – he becomes a different person when he’s in the throes of a creation. And that’s the downside of passion. Let it drive you but don’t forget the goal is to turn it into revenue. He took eight months to create a mural in our daughter Saskia’s bedroom. Let’s hope the lure of cash speeds him up when he get his first commission! Has the recession spurred you on to do something different with your life?


Note: If you like James Caan & Dragons Den then you’ll love the latest issue of At Home magazine. This month we have teamed up to produce a James Caan Careers special to help you get the advice you need to reinvigorate your career. Click here for more great careers and business advice from James.

About the Author
Georgina is deputy editor of At Home magazine and dev24082017.yourbusinessma.wpengine.com and has had 15 years experience of newspaper and magazine journalism and only three of being a mum to Saskia.

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